- a professional third-party testing and inspection platform that provides testing services such as emulsifier testing, and authoritative
A. Some of the testing processes specified in the warning test method may lead to hazardous situations. Operators should take appropriate safety and protective measures. A. 2 General regulations: Unless otherwise specified, only reagents confirmed as analytical pure and Grade III water specified in GB/T 6682-2008 shall be used in the analysis. The standard titration solution, impurity determination standard solution, formulation, and product used in the test method shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 601, GB/T 602, and GB/T 603 unless otherwise specified. A. 3 Identification test A.3.1 Determination of iodine value of fatty acids A.3.1.1 Reagents and materials A. Carbon tetrachloride. A. Potassium iodide solution: 100g/L. A. Webster's solution: The preparation method is shown in Appendix B. A. Sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution: c (NazSzO3)=0.1mol/L. A. Starch indicator solution: 10g/L. A. 3.1.2 Identification step: Weigh approximately 0.27g of viscous substance D in A.4.3.2 to the nearest 0.000 1g, place it in a dry 500mL iodine volumetric flask, and add 10mL of carbon tetrachloride for dissolution. Add 25mL of 0.02mL of Wechsler's solution, stopper the bottle tightly, seal with potassium iodide solution, and place in a dark place for 30 minutes. Add 15mL of potassium iodide solution and 100mL of water, titrate with sodium thiosulfate standard titration solution until the solution turns light yellow, add 1mL of starch indicator solution, shake vigorously and continue titration until the blue color just disappears, which is the endpoint. At the same time as the measurement, perform a blank test using the same amount of reagent solution without the addition of test materials, following the same steps as the measurement
Function of testing report:
1. Project bidding: Issue authoritative third-party CMA/CNAS qualification report
2. Online e-commerce platform entry: Quality inspection report recognized by major e-commerce platforms
3. Used as a sales report: issuing legally effective testing reports to make consumers more confident
4. Papers and research: Provide professional personalized testing needs
5. Judicial services: providing scientific, fair, and accurate testing data
6. Industrial problem diagnosis: Verify the troubleshooting and correction of industrial production problems
BAIJIAN testing process:
1. Telephone communication and confirmation of requirements
2. Recommend solutions and confirm quotations
3. Mail samples and arrange testing
4. Progress tracking and result feedback
5. Provide reports and after-sales service
6. If urgent or priority processing is required
Our Competitive Edge:
1. The testing industry is fully covered, meeting different testing needs
2. Fully cover the laboratory and allocate localized testing nearby
3. Engineers provide one-on-one services to make testing more accurate
4. Free initial testing, with no testing fees charged
5. Self service order delivery for free on-site sampling
6. Short cycle, low cost, and attentive service
7. Possess authoritative qualifications such as CMA, CNAS, CAL, etc
8. The testing report is authoritative and effective, and is generally used in China
Contact: Mr. Li
Phone: 156-0190-2607
Tel: 400-101-7153
Add: No. 700, Yishan Road, Xuhui District, Shangha